Wednesday, 5 August 2020

The Importance of Sharp Footwear in Wonderland

Long term Speed Of Sound artistic collaborator Natalie Paddick has a new website which has a feature on the work we've done together over the years & yes; the stunning T-shirt is back in stock on our 'shop' page and via Bandcamp again. 
I'm quite sure there are many lasting relationships that begin with footwear and fortunately all is explained within, but suffice to say shoes are essential. 
The Wonderland Clockwork Orange crossover images worked superbly in the Checkered Land video:
and the building 'renovation' scenes fitted Shut All The Clubs equally, gig posters and assorted website elements followed. Enter sinister Bunny stage left.

You can find the piece here and we're happy to say despite viral interventions there is more mixed media collaboration on the way... 
Cut off their tails with a carving knife... (or some sharp scissors) ...Snip snip snip...